Material Information

Announcement of the record date of share subscription for transferring treasury share to employees
1.Date of occurrence of the event:2024/10/31 2.Company name:C SUN MFG. LTD. 3.Relationship to the Company (please enter ”head office” or ”subsidiaries”):head office 4.Reciprocal shareholding ratios:N/A 5.Cause of occurrence:The company transfer treasury shares to employees

Announcement of the board resolution to repurchase treasury shares
1.Date of the board of directors resolution:2024/10/31
2.Purpose of the share repurchase:To transfer shares to employees
3.Type of shares to be repurchased:Common shares
4.Ceiling on total monetary amount of the share repurchase (NTD):331,000,000
5.Scheduled period for the repurchase:2024/11/01~2024/12/31
6.No.of shares to be repurchased (shares):1,000,000

The Board of Directors has approved authorizing the Chairman to proceed with land acquisition within the approved budget limit.
1.Date of occurrence of the event:2024/10/31
2.Company name:C SUN MFG LTD.
3.Relationship to the Company (please enter ”head office” or ”subsidiaries”):head office
4.Reciprocal shareholding ratios:N/A
5.Cause of occurrence:The Board of Directors has approved authorizing the Chairman to negotiate details and sign relevant documents for land acquisition within a transaction limit of NT$1.5 billion.

C SUN Board of Directors resolved the consolidated financial statements for 2024 Q3
1.Date of submission to the board of directors or approval by the board of directors:2024/10/31
2.Date of approval by the audit committee:2024/10/31
3.Start and end dates of financial reports or annual self-assessed financial information of the reporting period (XXXX/XX/XX~XXXX/XX/XX): 2024/01/01~2024/09/30
4.Operating revenue accumulated from 1/1 to end of the period (thousand NTD):3,482,971

Announcement the expected date of the board of directors meeting to approve 2024 Third quarter Consolidated Financial Report
1.Date of a notice of the board of directors meeting is issued:2024/10/23
2.Expected date of the board of directors meeting is convened:2024/10/31
3.Expected year and quarter of the financial reports or the annual self-assessed financial information submitted to the board of directors or approved by the board of directors:2024 Third quarter Consolidated Financial Report
4.Any other matters that need to be specified:None.

Announcement of the Company’s Accumulated Consolidated After-Tax Preliminary Profit for the Q3 2024
1.Date of occurrence of the event:2024/10/14
2.Company name:C SUN MFG. LTD.
3.Relationship to the Company (please enter ”head office” or ”subsidiaries”):Head office
4.Reciprocal shareholding ratios:N/A
5.Cause of occurrence:The company’s accumulated consolidated preliminary after-tax profit for Q3 2024, of which the after-tax net profit attributable to the parent company was TWD 524 million, and earnings per share (EPS) were 3.50.

The Company is invited to participate in the 2024Q3 Investment Forum organized by KGI Securities
1.Date of institutional investor conference:2024/09/11
2.Time of institutional investor conference:11:00 A.M.
3.Location of institutional investor conference: GIS TAIPEI TECH Convention Center
4.Outline of institutional investor conference:The Company is invited to participate in KGI Securities’ 2024Q3 investment forum to present an overview of the company’s operations, financials, and relevant business information.
5.Any other matters that need to be specified:None

Announcement of the record date of share subscription for transferring treasury share to employees
1.Date of occurrence of the event:2024/08/01
2.Company name:C SUN MFG. LTD.
3.Relationship to the Company (please enter ”head office” or ”subsidiaries”):head office
4.Reciprocal shareholding ratios:N/A
5.Cause of occurrence:The company transfer treasury shares to employees

Announcement of the board’s approval for donation to National Taiwan University.
1.Date of occurrence of the event:2024/08/01
2.Reason for the donation:Industry-Academia Collaboration and Talent Development
3.Total amount of the donation:NT$20,000,000
4.Counterparty to the donation:National Taiwan University
5.Relationship with the Company:None.

C SUN Board of Directors resolved the consolidated financial statements for 2024 Q2
1.Date of submission to the board of directors or approval by the board of directors:2024/08/01
2.Date of approval by the audit committee:2024/08/01
3.Start and end dates of financial reports or annual self-assessed financial information of the reporting period (XXXX/XX/XX~XXXX/XX/XX): 2024/01/01~2024/06/30
4.Operating revenue accumulated from 1/1 to end of the period (thousand NTD):2,429,353
5.Gross profit (loss) from operations accumulated from 1/1 to end of the period (thousand NTD):979,573