Policy and Commitment
Csun has adopted the ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System, committed to improving the safety of the work environment, preventing occupational accidents, and ensuring the physical and mental well-being of all employees. The company identifies hazards for different work environments and implements preventive measures to ensure employee safety and corporate sustainability.

2023 Performance

  1. ISO Certification: Csun received ISO 45001 and ISO 14001 certifications and continuously improves the work environment to reduce the risk of workplace accidents.
  2. Audits and Training: In 2023, a total of 16 occupational safety audits were conducted, with a 100% improvement rate for deficiencies. Additionally, the company held two occupational safety training sessions for 162 employees, totaling 6 hours.
  3. Health Checkups and Support: The company provided health checkups for 383 employees throughout the year, with an expenditure of approximately NT$453,000.
  4. Occupational Accident Data: In 2023, there was only one occupational accident involving a traffic incident, with no serious injuries or occupational disease cases.
  5. Contractor Training: Three occupational health and safety training sessions were held for contractors, with 56 participants in total.
  6. Health Promotion Activities: The company promoted health and wellness certification programs, with 80 employees participating in related activities, raising health awareness among employees.

Short-, Mid-, and Long-Term Goals

  • Short-Term Goals: Strengthen occupational accident prevention management, complete corporate sports certification, and achieve green label certification.
  • Mid-Term Goals: Control the disabling injury frequency rate to 0.22 by 2027.
  • Long-Term Goals: Reduce chemical risks, promote physical and mental balance development, and create a healthy and friendly workplace.

Action Plan
Csun will continue to promote monthly health risk assessments and audits of engineering projects. Additionally, the company will conduct health education and disaster incident investigations, ensuring all employees are familiar with occupational health and safety regulations and providing relevant training.

Risk Assessment and Management
The company conducts annual hazard identification and risk assessments, classifying them based on severity and likelihood. Appropriate risk control measures are implemented based on the risk level to continuously reduce hazard risks.