Csun Industrial is committed to environmental protection, upholding the social responsibility of “Protecting the Earth, Loving the Earth,” and pledges the following actions:

  • Compliance with Regulations and International Standards: Adhere to environmental regulations and international standards to ensure that operational activities achieve sustainability goals.
  • Enhancing Resource Utilization Efficiency: Use low-environmental-impact recycled materials and promote sustainable resource utilization.
  • Establishing an Environmental Management System: Develop an environmental management system and concrete action plans to address the environmental impacts of operational activities, and regularly review their effectiveness.
  • Setting Up Dedicated Units: Establish dedicated departments to promote the environmental management system and conduct regular environmental education.
  • Promoting Sustainable Consumption: Reduce environmental impact at all stages, from research and development to production, and advocate the use of renewable resources.
  • Improving Water Resource Utilization Efficiency: Effectively manage water resources, adopt best practices to prevent pollution, and minimize negative impacts on the environment.
  • Executing Greenhouse Gas Audits: Conduct greenhouse gas emissions audits and develop energy-saving and carbon-reduction strategies to mitigate the effects of climate change.

Csun Industrial, through the ISO14001 Environmental Management System, promotes various energy-saving and waste-reduction measures, reduces energy consumption and the use of hazardous substances, and contributes to environmental protection.