Policy and Commitment
Csun recognizes the challenges posed by global climate change and views it as a critical issue for the company’s long-term development. With the increasing frequency and intensity of extreme weather events, businesses must properly manage climate risks to ensure the stability of supply chains and factory operations. Csun is committed to achieving net-zero emissions by 2050 and actively responding to international climate initiatives such as the Science-Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) and RE100. These actions demonstrate Csun’s determination to address climate change challenges.

Responsible Units
The Sustainable Development Committee is responsible for promoting and overseeing the company’s actions on climate change, assisting various departments in formulating specific carbon reduction strategies and action plans, and regularly reporting implementation results to the board of directors.

Short and Long-Term Goals

  1. Promote greenhouse gas inventory across the group and set specific greenhouse gas reduction targets.
  2. Adopt the most cost-effective methods to increase the proportion of renewable energy use, such as self-consumption of solar power.
  3. Achieve net-zero emissions by 2050 as a long-term goal.

Action Plans

  1. Regularly conduct climate opportunities and risk assessments based on the TCFD framework and set management goals.
  2. Expand the scope of greenhouse gas inventory, introduce the ISO 14067 Product Carbon Footprint standard, and strengthen the environmental management system.
  3. Implement technical optimization of equipment updates and production processes to reduce energy waste and improve manufacturing efficiency.
  4. Encourage employees to actively participate in the research and development of energy-saving and carbon-reduction technologies, and develop low-carbon products and services.

2023 Performance

  1. In 2023, for the first time, we implemented climate-related financial disclosures (TCFD) and assessed climate-related risks and opportunities, including 1 opportunity, 2 transition risks, and 1 physical risk.
  2. Csun completed its 2023 greenhouse gas inventory and reduced emissions by 4.65% compared to 2022.
  3. The energy-saving renovation solutions provided to customers reduce carbon dioxide emissions by approximately 1.58 metric tons annually.

Grievance Mechanism
Csun provides a transparent and convenient grievance channel for stakeholders to submit suggestions or inquiries related to climate change via email or dedicated phone lines.

Climate Governance
The board of directors is the highest unit for climate governance at Csun, responsible for decision-making and supervision of climate risks. The Sustainable Development Committee acts as the executive unit, regularly reporting to the board and adjusting the company’s climate change strategies to ensure climate governance is integrated into daily operations.