Our company has established the “Sustainability Committee,” which reports annually to the board of directors on its activities. The committee establishes corporate integrity and ethical standards, maintains a clean and orderly environment, implements operational and financial management, protects the company’s interests, safeguards shareholders’ rights, and adheres to the guidelines of business conduct and ethical principles, ensuring the company’s stable growth.

The Corporate Sustainability Committee, composed of the management team, is the unit responsible for promoting corporate social responsibility (CSR). It oversees various CSR initiatives and coordinates the formulation of company-wide CSR goals and sustainability development policies, reporting on the implementation to the board of directors. The most recent report to the board was presented on December 21, 2023. The annual report provides details on the implementation for that year.

Our company has established the “Integrity Management Code” and the “Procedures for Handling Reports of Illegal, Unethical, or Dishonest Behavior,” which outline preventive measures against dishonest behavior, such as bribery, offering illegal political donations, giving or accepting unreasonable gifts, hospitality or other improper benefits, and infringing on trade secrets and intellectual property rights. These guidelines govern the behavior of both the company and its employees and are promoted to employees during monthly joint meetings at company facilities.

Other important information that contributes to understanding the company’s integrity management practices (e.g., the company’s review and revision of the established Integrity Management Code):

Our company has established internal procedures for handling material information and preventing insider trading. It is clearly stated that directors, managers, individuals designated to perform duties under Article 27, Paragraph 1 of the Company Act, and other individuals who obtain the company’s internal material information due to their status, profession, or control relationship must perform their duties with the care and loyalty of a good manager. These individuals are required to sign confidentiality agreements. Directors, managers, and employees who are privy to the company’s internal material information must not disclose such information to others who are unaware of it.

Our company’s audit firm is PricewaterhouseCoopers Taiwan (PwC Taiwan). The auditing accountant does not serve as a director of the company and maintains both professionalism and independence. The audit committee and the board of directors annually review the auditor’s independence and obtain the auditor’s “Independence Declaration.” The auditor regularly reviews key processes and internal controls, providing suggestions regarding internal controls and accounting practices.