Policy and Commitment

  • Dual Career Path System: We offer a dual career path system for professional and management tracks, along with related training and financial assistance for further education.
  • Training Budget Support: The company provides financial support for professional training and development programs to enhance employees’ professional skills.
  • Executive Training: The company offers financial assistance for executive education, such as EMBA programs, to help senior executives broaden their management perspectives.

Goals and Performance

  • Short- to Mid-Term Goals: Train 30% of employees annually, achieve an 80% employee satisfaction rate, develop at least 10 mid-level managers per year, and hold at least two large-scale training events.
  • Long-Term Goal: Promote at least 50% of employees internally each year.
  • 2023 Performance: Total training hours reached 8,064 hours, with 70% of positions filled through internal promotions. The average training time was 17.85 hours, with a total of 383 employees participating.

Performance Evaluation

  • Performance Evaluation Mechanism: Employees are assessed based on KPIs, competency items, and daily management evaluations. Results affect promotions and salary bonuses.
  • 2023 Evaluation Results: 89% of full-time employees completed the annual performance evaluation, with 100% of managerial positions being assessed.

Training and Development Statistics

  • Training Hours: The average training hours were 17.85 hours for men and 24.55 hours for women. Training hours have increased annually over the past three years.
  • Main Training Programs: New employee orientation, leadership training, project management, and stress relief courses.

Grievance and Communication Mechanism

  • Grievance Mechanism: A dedicated grievance channel is set up to ensure employee complaints are handled promptly.